Does My Tech Company Need a Dynamic Website?

Does My Tech Company Need a Dynamic Website

The world is constantly changing with increasing changes undoubtedly happening in your industry right now.

So, when you build your website for your startup, ask yourself this: should my website be a static version where the information essentially doesn’t change? Or should my website be dynamic and responsive as your business grows and changes?

The world is constantly changing with increasing changes undoubtedly happening in your industry right now. How are you preparing?—Direct Images Interactive

Here’s a quick look at some readily available facts to help inform your decision.


When you think about who you are and what your business is about, are you in the top 10% or in the bottom 90%? Only about 1 in 10 (11.8%) of the top 100 sites analyzed what’s known as responsive web design. Responsive web design is the practice of using sites which are user-friendly and fully interactive.

You are not going to get as many issues with things like resizing if you use responsive design, and you will have a site which is well received on both desktop computers and mobile devices. Your web content should be like water. It should fit the device into which it’s contained. So even though it’s a small percentage presently, more and more websites are becoming responsive, or mobile friendly, with the rapid movement towards mobile usage. Especially with mobile use growing 58% year over year, it’s time to create a dynamic and responsive site for your business and, ultimately, for your audience.


Here are some more facts which are sadly true:

The fickle nature of human beings is nothing new. In fact, here are some key areas where visuals do matter on your website based on an eye movement study:

  • Your Logo
  • Your Navigation
  • Your Social Media Links
  • Your Content

Still, if you are going to go to the trouble of creating, designing, and developing a website, and you are trying to attract viewers to hang around and see what your business is about, a dynamic website is one way to conquer users’ fickle nature.


One more reason to consider having a dynamic website is this: 4 out of 5 consumers do their shopping on smartphones. Regardless if you’re a big or small startup, the message is obvious.

Of all the people who walk down your street, right by your front door, how many of them have smartphones or other mobile devices? How are you supposed to reach this customer especially if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website? The 80/20 rule may be a solid one for conservative investment strategy. But unless you want your business to wither away into obscurity, you should certainly consider hosting a dynamic website.

About Half

Here are some more figures which bolster the concept of a dynamic website for your local business:

It sounds crazy to say, but this means that if you have people who are trying to find your local business, they may still go to another business that’s further away just because their online presence is more accommodating to their lifestyle. A dynamic website may help reel in more customers and keep them coming in. You’d hate to lose half of your potential business just because of the nature of one-half of the population.


One more trait of a dynamic website is the use of content marketing. Content marketing, like any other form of marketing, requires strategy, planning, and innovation. In fact, here are some more fun facts which may make you think twice about all that money you are spending on print advertising.

Content marketing generates three times as many leads as knuckle-dragging outbound marketing, but the cost is as much as 62% less! That means that for 1/3 of the leads you are paying a 2/3 premium! Content marketing is also catered to your business, who you are and what you do. Inbound content marketing can even be a valuable asset for teams within your organizationparticularly sales. On a dynamic website, interactive content makes your destination the local expert which people will respond to.

You may think that a dynamic website isn’t something that your local business needs, and maybe it doesn’t. But if you have any type of eye toward the future and toward keeping your business relevant for generations to come, why wouldn’t you want to have a dynamic website? Even to just catalog the successes of your tenure at the helm of your startup, a dynamic website adds the flair, usability, and reach that a static website just can’t compete with.

A static website can’t compete with a dynamic website’s flair, usability and reach.

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