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How Interactive Marketing Can Improve User Experience

If you have a website and are thinking about a redesign, chances are you do need one. The bottom line is, technology is always evolving, and your site should be too. If you are missing the mark on customer service and it is a digital barrier that is holding your brand back, you may need to rethink your website strategy. There are ways you can easily improve your site to improve user experience and thus improve your ability to serve your customers and potential new clients.

Often, if there are a look and feel problem with your website, you can use an in-house web designer to aid in the redesign. Sometimes companies even hire creative media marketing agencies to participate in its website redesign projects to ensure there is a seamless user experience with the end product, website, and overall customer service. This is pretty important if you are looking to refine your brand and position your team for success.

Hiring an agency may sound like a ‘big league’ move—especially if you are the owner of a small to medium size business. This couldn’t be further from the truth. With the technology world growing bigger every day, the need for a strategically well-developed website that is helpful, transparent and aesthetically pleasing will take you a long way in the world of marketing and sales.

Now more than ever, mobile readiness, SEO, and content distribution play a major role in how your brand is viewed by the general public. If you are not making a statement digitally, you may not be making a statement at all. Introducing creative media marketing to your team could be a breakthrough in itself. When you provide the necessary tools and content to your sales and marketing teams, they are better equipped to attract better quality leads, and make sales in a more efficient manner—inevitably shortening the length of the sales cycle.

Think of your website as an investment in your business rather than as an overhead or a customer acquisition cost. Take the time to understand your website visitors. We recommend developing buyer personas. These are profiles of your potential and present customers. Developing a buyer persona will help identify some of the likes and dislikes of your audience. Once you have an understanding of who is visiting your site and why they are there, you can begin to provide better information, on a constant basis. You will have a production process that helps answer questions and guide website visitors through their journey to purchasing your product or service.

After hearing all of that, you can see why a business website is a tool for sales and marketing teams to align their message. When a brand has a single and transparent message that is conveyed in a successful manner their likelihood of achieving success is much higher. This all circles back to building trust and creating a digital destination that is ideal for the buyer personas you’re looking to attract.

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Direct Images Interactive is a video marketing agency specializing in high-impact video production and online graphic design. We are centrally located between Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose.

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