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Dynamic Content, Interactive Content, Personalized Content—What gives?

For years now, most marketers have admitted to missing the mark on creating content that is engaging, appealing, and effective at moving website visitors through the buyer’s journey. Each year, businesses commit to spending more of their marketing budget on content creation—but if it is not effective, why the push?

There is no denying the demand for thought-provoking, informative, and interesting content, but how is your brand supposed to win out over all the other brands trying to accomplish the same goal?

The answer is rather simple. If you set out to create a first-class user experience, you will be well on your way to attracting, converting, and delighting your customers until the cows come home. The best way to approach this challenge is to approach from the inside out. Create a baseline of personalized content that directly addresses your community, customers, and website visitors.

Dynamic content is a method of marketing used to speak directly to a prospect or lead in a manner that is customized or personalized for them. For example, if you have a form linked to a CTA and a prospect fills it out,  you know a little more about the prospect. The idea behind personalization is to leverage each and every bit of data collected to build a stronger connection with your leads and customers. This personalization can be thought of as a way to sprinkle your communication with care.

Dynamically generated content is content that is unique to a person or group of people who have commonalities. These commonalities vary depending on the marketing goals, the target market, lifecycle stages, and the buyer journey.

Because personalization relies solely on the data that you have collected, it can be used in many ways, including:

  • Creating customized and personalized landing pages and CTAs for different segmentations of your contact database.

  • Sending emails from someone in your company and not an automated bot.

  • Segmenting your contacts list within your CRM to create more targeted and personalized email marketing campaigns.

  • Providing lead intelligence to your sales team to facilitate a more natural sales conversation and improve the likelihood of conversion.

  • Developing more effective and highly targeted lead nurturing campaigns.

  • Personalizing a form submission thank you page.

  • Providing locally appropriate scheduling options to website visitors (for example, in their own time zone).

  • Using a prospect, lead, or customer’s first name in the salutation of an email.

Interactive content is any feature or content piece on your digital property that requires the visitor or user to participate actively beyond simply viewing a video or reading an article or other website copy.

  • Calculators: Interactive service cost calculators are an exceptional way to put the power in the hands of your leads and prospects. They help drive traffic to your website, provide valuable insight to both your sales and marketing teams, and are a great way to build brand awareness.

  • Surveys: Interactive surveys are a big hit on social media and in blog communities, and are an excellent way to build a lead generation machine.

  • Quizzes: Quizzes are a fun way to incorporate interactivity into data collection initiatives. Put your best interactive foot forward in your next online quiz and see the difference in community engagement and participation.

  • Assessments: Because assessments are generally unique to a business model or product/service offering, the broad set of assessment characteristics are conducive to interactivity. Developing an interactive assessment for your customers can help you solve their biggest problems, address their most agonizing pain points. It allows participants to actively contribute to the process of diagnosing and resolving said issues. Assessments can also be used to track and measure benchmark performances, and help form customized solutions to problems.

  • Consultation Scheduling: Interactive consultation scheduling puts the power in the hands of the user. Presenting a website visitor with an open calendar of time slots (even if the majority are filled) empowers the visitor to schedule your next contact at a time that is most convenient to their schedule, thus boosting your chances of a successful sales call.

If you want to take your marketing to the next level, stand out from the rest, and boost community engagement, it is time to harness the power of dynamically generated content and personalized campaigns. Put a few of the above-mentioned methods into play and see how your marketing efforts through personalization can help increase ROI.

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